Thursday, January 13, 2011

Taking one for the team...

I love Rodger Berman. I think all of the "gay" rumors surrounding him are absurd and ridiculous.
Yes, he very well may be Mr. Rachel Zoe, but he doesn't seem to mind according to this article that he wrote for Bazaar. Not to mention, she is providing a pretty fabulous life for the two of them.
I think it's awesome that he let's her be who she is, and that he appreciates fashion as an art. Sure, he might go a bit overboard with the scarves, but don't we all have some sort of trademark?
I am sure that he is thrilled to be having a bit more testosterone in his Missoni filled home in a few months!


Alicia xoxxo said...

I love the 2 of them together! They are a perfect match. I can't wait for her show to come back on!

Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

I have a major crush on Rodger. His hair is to die for! I wish my husband appreciated fashion that much! He calls most of my stylish loose tops and dresses maternity wear. He could take some notes from Rodger and frankly I kind of like the scarfs (sometimes).