Friday, January 7, 2011


Ms.Olsen's Prada backpack is quite a blast from the past. Ironically, just yesterday, I was going through some of my purses that I have "archived" (ha!) and I ran across my trusty Prada and thought to myself that it's just a matter of time before some celeb brings them back. I don't mind the look of them really, and with 2 kiddos it sure would be handy, but I'm not quite sure that I'm ready to bust mine out again.
What I AM sure of however, is that I will never be ready for those shoes she has on. I HATE MULES! ALL OF 'EM! I don't care if the name Manolo, Choo, Or Louboutin is stamped on the inside of them, I loathe this style of shoe!
So, while I adore MK and A, in the words of the fashion police, "make it stop!".


Erin said...

Mules are sick. No one wants to see a biscuit heel hanging off the back. Period.

Unknown said...

bring back the backpack!!!! I love it! NO mules for me either sister, they are awful

Anonymous said...

Amen to the mules sister. I can't stant them and I think they look strange. I think I used to wear them in middle school, why would I revisit that? Awkward!