Thursday, February 18, 2010

What IZ the 411?????

To all my blogging sistah' a gal out........when someone leaves you a comment that requires responding to, do you respond on his/her blog, or do you respond in your comments where they left the original comment, hoping that they will go back and read your comment??!.
I am losing sleep over this.
Actually I am losing sleep because I have to get up and pee in the middle of the night, and there's a rip in my fitted sheet, and my foot keeps getting caught in it.


Unknown said...

I usually comment back on my blog...but, I am not sure if that is "protocol". If the person comments and clicks the "email follow up comments to" box, they will get your follow up comment. hope that helps.

Jessie @ Style and Pepper said...

That's what I typically do, too. :)


MerciBlahBlah said...

I would personally leave the reply on whatever blog they originally posted the question. If I were leaving a question for someone, I would go back to that post to look for the answer, but that's just me.