Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Motley Crue

IS it possible that Add already has a posse? I mean, I knew my boy was cool, but how is it that he already has cool friends? And they are all basically the same age!One of my biggest concerns after having my little stud was fitting into a "mommy group". It is tough finding girlfriends after a certain age after re-locating to a new city. Throw in "new mommy", and you're really limited. It isn't that there aren't other new mothers here, but I find that the friendships here have been built for years and years, and sometimes that's a hard circle to break into.The dear Lord has answered my prayers by sending Melanie and Beth my way. Beth was literally and angel-otherwise known as my "milk fairy". I won't go into great detail, but let's just say that she helped feed my little man, from a distance, when I was having some major issues, without even knowing us. Then we met face to face, and soon found out how many similarities we have between us. She is such a special gal, and I am soooo excited to watch our friendship grow, as well as our boy's who are just a few days apart!
Melanie is a gem! We met in the land of make-up while we were both preggers. Several months after giving birth, and "settling in" to mommy-hood, a great friend of mine "reunited" us, and I am forever grateful. Mel just gets it--wether it's talking about the trials of this journey we're on, or fashion and celebrity 411, I feel like I can chat with her about anything, and I haven't even known her that long!! Her little guy is such a doll, and has already displayed an impressive amount of patience with Addison's curiosity.
I am really looking forward to many many play dates......with and without the posse.


Unknown said...

Of course Addison has a posse..."Jules" will be Juian's posse name. I love the pictures, they are just hilarious and I laugh everytime I see them!!!

Thanks for the nice compliments :) You aren't too shabby yourself...It's funny how life works and how people come into your life randomly. I thank God that we found each other!

GiGi said...

oh mel...we must get rose gold Tacori friendship rings asap.