Since having my little dude, running errands has become an all out event. It takes hours to get out of the house, yet I make us do it most days, just for a change of scenery.
I try to make an effort on most days. I am not the Jennifer Garner type that can run out with wet hair, baggy jeans, and running shoes. Grief.
An outfit that I wouldn't die of embarrassment if I ran into someone I know, a bit of make-up, and 5 minutes on the hair sums up the effort.
One thing I really miss is carrying a purse--it looks like I'm going out of town if I carry one plus his diaper bag. Earrings are also a rare occasion, as Addison thinks they're his to pull.
Some days I wish I had more places to go to wear the clothes that make up 75 % of my closet. Those are the impractical pieces. The, "before I moved to KC, got married and had a baby", pieces.
My friend Amber said that if times ever got rough I could sell my clothes and live off the profits.
My friend Amber lost her marbles for a second.
And yes, I look a little Sherlock Holmes with the coat on. Speaking of coats, I have quite the collection of vintage coats. I have hemmed most of them given the fact that I was not blessed with Naomi Campbell Gams. There are a few that I kept long (like this one), however I am thinking of hacking it off to the knee. Thoughts?