Ms. Winfrey isn't the only one that has some favorite things. I do have to break it to you that all of my 12 readers will not be receiving the products that I am pimping out.
I am well aware that this is going to end quickly, and if our winter is anything like last year, get ready for some serious bitching and whining courtesy of yours truly.
Taking care of one's skin during the winter in the midwest is no joke. Here are some things that save me during Jan/Feb.
Stridex?? Yes, Stridex. However, this isn't for your zitty face. This, my sweets, is for your feets.
Dr. wizard of Oz says if you have dry, cracked feet, swipe 'em with a stridex pad before bed, and finish with a super moisturizing shea butter, and wake up to new toes. It works. Seriously-this tag team has saved my feet, no joke.

One of the best shea butters ev-ah.

I know she isn't cheap, but the Clarisonic brush is worth every penny. My face never gets flaky anymore, pores are clearer, and my moisturizer is more effective.

I fell in love with this product 10 years ago when I worked at Barney's. If you don't have good balance, you might break your head open in the shower, as all of the oils makes the floor crazy slippery---but hey, your skin will feel like buttah.
I apologize for posting yet another large ticket item, but this stuff truly is the bees knees. You don't have to use it every night..alternate it with something more affordable. Again, worth every stinking cent.

Have any obsessions for your skin???
I am SO getting some Stridex on my way home. You don't EVEN want to know the horrors that are my feets. Blarch and Blech. Thanks for the tip, mama.
Girlfriend we are sisters in another life! Just did a post on my favorite things. I love the clarosonic, got one last year for Christmas and its the bomb. Also love me some LaMer. I alternate it with Cetaphil. Great tip on the Stridex although I am going to feel like such a teenager buying that again!
LOVING the Stridex tip!!!! hilarious! We are aquaphoraholics in this house, it's the only thing keeping Julian's nose in tact this winter. And I use it on my hands. xoxo
i think i have aquaphor in every room of the house (and i'm sure "santa" will put several travel sizes in my stocking for purses)! i even use it on my elbows and knees sometimes before bed!!!
also, i was TOTALLY going to ask you about the clairsonic. i love the idea, i just wanted to see what you thought, and now i know!
I have tried a large selection of body scrubs over the years. Most of these are exfoliants made up of large pieces of sea salt and essential oils. Now, one of the reasons I use a body exfolliant is to get rid of dry, cracked, dead skin (sounds disgusting...but it's true). Rubbing a sea salt scrub onto dry skin is probably where they got the expression "rubbing salt into a wound." Double ouch! And people pay money for this torture?? "Fresh Brown Sugar Body Polish" is unique in that it's scrub component is brown sugar, mixed with delectable oils like Sweet Almond, Apricot Kernel, Evening Primrose, Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, Bergamot, Lemongrass, and Citron. Not only does Brown Sugar Body Polish not sting - it has one of the most delicious smells that has ever wafted by my nostrils. And it is so gentle on the skin. I love the slight moisturizing residue which remains on the skin after use. It soaks into the skin to prevent further dryness. There's no need to use a body moisturizer with this body polish. If you don't want the slight amount of oil to remain on your body, then simply use your favorite body wash to remove it.
The entire Fresh Sugar Bath Collection unites the historically proven benefits of real brown sugar with ultra-rich emollients and botanicals. Extremely effective, sweet formulas transform the skin and transport the senses. Traditional remedies relied on topical applications of sugar to cuts and wounds to accelerate the healing process and avoid infection and scarring.
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seriously aquaphor is a Godsend. you can put that stuff on every part of your body and it will fix it!!
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