Monday, December 13, 2010

Terrific Two.

Dear Addison,

Two years ago the Lord brought you to us, and we've been celebrating ever since.
This might sound like a cheesy Hallmark card, but every day is special with you. Every morning feels like Christmas when I go into your room to get you and start the day.
I recently read that it is important as a parent to show enthusiasm when your child walks into a room--it's supposed to make them feel special-loved.
I don't know how NOT to do that. You bring me so much joy, and spending time with you is the best ever.

When your dad and I were trying to plan something for your second birthday we said, "well, what would make Add happy?". Elevators. And Trains. And Frozen Yogurt.
So that's how we spent your special day, and you had the best time.
Happy 2nd birthday my sweet son. I love you with all that I am.


Alicia xoxxo said...

Wiping away tears...very well said!

Michaela said...

So sweet!! Happy Birthday to your little one (: