These aren't just the words to my favorite Lou Reed song, but the words to describe today.
We are having amazing weather today, so the little man and I took advantage and went on a date. Grandma stayed at home with his little sister, so it was just the 2 of us. Just like old times.
I'm not much of a Tiffany's kind of gal, but he insisted on buying me something.
Up close and personal.
This shot was taken before he flipped out when I told him mommy had to "go pee pee on the potty", and that we'll come back to the fountain.
He found his own little spot at the coffee joint.
Snacks make everyone happy.
I heart him big time.
Nature lover.
Best Dressed Boy Ever. Your son makes my heart melt and I would like to steal your sunglasses.
Glad I came across your blog, your little guys is so adorable. You have a new follower.
Oh my word, your son has the most beautiful eyes. and like the pp said, he is dressed so stylishly, i LOVE it!
new follower here, stop on by!
y'all are so sweet--thank you very much.
so excited to have a couple new readers! nice to meet you both!
Discovered your blog recently and lovin' it! Of course my little dude has the same Jimi t-shirt. Today you can see my dude in his DIY gear on my blog that I started recently.
Thanks for the inspiration!
that is one cool cat you've got there. I heart his mop of hair. loves.
May I please have Addie's Jimi shirt when he grows out of it?? I'll bring over a truck or some boyish type toy. It'll be an even trade.
Undeniably handsome. And getting more and more so each day. Miss you all like crazy!!!
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