Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's all in a name.

I guess if you're married to a dude named Mark, you'll look amazing.

Aside from Jessica, Cate, and Anne's first dress (the white w/ all the jewels), and her last gold fringe-y number (insane), these 2 are my FAVES!


Unknown said...

Haha I love this! Marky Mark's wife is gorgeous!

Alicia xoxxo said...

Great picks! Mark W's wife always looks amazing!

Jill said...

Agree, Mark Ruffalo's wife is amazing...I think it might be her hair and I thought Marky Mark's wife was absolutely stunning, she is one of my fav's

Erin said...

It is completely unfair how gorgeous Rea looked. (Yea, we're on a first name basis.) My husband kept saying, "There's NO WAY she's had four kids!" Um...not what your whale of a wife wants to hear. I threatened to pull all of his teeth out so he stopped.