Forget Joe Biden's potty mouth. This is a really big effing deal.
The mister and I were two of more than 7 million viewers that sat down to watch Mr.Oliver's new show, "Food Revolution", and we were blown away by what this man is trying to do.
And it's about time.
He is using his being a celebrity for SUCH an amazing cause. It's more of a movement if you ask me. Changing the way you eat can truly change your life, and changing those habits in children at a young age is not only difficult, it is crucial.
What really made my blood boil was the fact that in a classroom of kids, not ONE of them could identify a TOMATO. Yes, a TOMATO. We're not talking rutabaga's here people.
Who's fault is that?? Mom and pop. It all starts in the home. Sure schools are HIGHLY to blame for what they are serving the students, but for the parents not to know what's going on until a renowned chef comes in and tells them is absurd.
I could go on for days about how awesome I think this show is, but I will spare you. If you think it is just as awesome, go here and let him know.
And if you want to be shocked about food even more, watch this:
